Business Process and Optimization

Data Collection & Analysis 

Data is King. Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in a predetermined action plan, which then enables our clients to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes. These outcomes help to justify program costs, secure future funding, report social impact, and ensure sustainability.

TechServ maps and manages data flow, data analysis, and outcomes reporting. We train our Clients workforce on proper data collection methods and standards, software tools, how to read reports, and change management.

Sourcing & Procurement

TechServ creates a sourcing and procurement model based on your company’s needs and selects the best product or service for the category of expenditure. This can and often involves negotiation and strategic selection of goods to save money but also includes improving the acquisition process, supplier performance and minimizing risk. TechServ primarily sources technology tools, automated communication, and specialized hardware and software for wrap-around data collection on each project deployed.